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Ikväll kl 21!
Klockan 21 ikväll går karate kid på 3an!
Bilder från London
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Nya After Earth trailern
Den är så jävla grym! Sök på after Earth official trailer #2 ! Nu är jag helt övertygad om att filmen kommer att vara grym
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Kylie's instagram
Justin och jaden med fans
Jaden, Mateo, Kylie & Anastasia
Msfts Anthem 2
Klicka in på youtube och sök!
I den förra sa han faktiskt Sweden så enligt mig är den låten mycket coolare men annars så är den ha riktigt bra:)
Justin berättar
Perez Hilton skriver om Jaden
“Our heart really goes out to Justin Bieber for having what he described via Twitter to be the “worst birthday,” after he and his entourage were forced to leave the London nightclub where he was celebrating his 19th year following a confrontation with security guards!
However, if there’s any solace he can take from the unfortunate situation, it’s that he should be PROUD of himself for being a good friend…because come to find out, all the drama that went down was for his buddy Jaden Smith!
According to new reports, the 14-year-old son of Will and Jada arrived to celebrate shortly after the rest of Biebs’ crew, but would not be allowed in due to his age!
So after attempting in vain to get his pal through the doors, Justin apparently didn’t feel it was right to keep the party going, so instead decided to call everything off and head back back to his hotel with his pal and some fast food from McDonald’s!
It’s unfortunate that arrangements weren’t made with the venue to accommodate guests of all ages, but how Justin handled it all really says so much about his character!
Very mature, boy! And you’re only just freshly 19!
Thanks for being such a good pal to Jaden! We’re sure it meant the world to him!”
From PerezHilton.com