Jaden i Seventeen magazine
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Jaden i TeenVouge
Actor, fashion designer, rapper: When it comes to multitasking, Jaden Smith, fourteen, is a born natural. This summer, he'll costar with his father, Will Smith, inAfter Earth, the new science-fiction thriller directed by M. Night Shyamalan. And while filming in Pennsylvania, Utah, California, and Costa Rica, Jaden released an eighteen-track mixtape and continued to work on his clothing line, MSFTSrep.
"On top of it all, I do attend school," he says. "It can be extremely difficult, but it's nothing I'm not used to." Indeed, with a life guided by boundless talent and truly Smith-size charisma, there's barely anything Jaden can't tackle. From his big-screen debut in The Pursuit of Happyness at age eight to touring with BFF Justin Bieber at age eleven, Jaden is on his way to becoming a mini mogul in his own right.
For his role in After Earth, a futuristic adventure set in otherworldly landscapes, it could be argued that art imitates life. "I play a character named Kitai, who is basically the son of the greatest warrior of all time," says Jaden. "He's got some issues in the beginning because he feels the need to prove himself to everybody, and a lot of the movie is him becoming a warrior just like his father."
The film marks the second time Jaden has appeared on camera with his dad. "With every movie I've worked on, he's always been right there next to me. I learn from him," he says.
Story edited for TeenVogue.com
May 21.